
Community groups

Alongside worship in the Church we have regular groups meeting in our hall and special events through the year. You can also hire the hall for your own regular or one-off events.

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Youth Group

Photograph of people att St Michael's Church
Photograph of people at St Michael's

Coffee Pot & Crafts

Bring & Share Lunch

Photograph of people at St Michael's
Photograph of ramblers at St Michael's Church


St Michael’s Ramblers head out into the local countryside on the first Saturday of the month at around 10am, and finish with lunch in a pub at the end of their walk. 

We have been rambling for over twenty years, so the rambles are getting progressively shorter and gentler!  

We now have ramblers who just come along for the meal, affectionately called Roadies. 

New ramblers and roadies are always very welcome, whether you’re churchgoers or not. 


New members are always welcome to join our friendly St Michael’s choir, where enthusiasm is as important as musical ability! We rehearse most Mondays at 6:00 pm and sing every week in the 9:15 am service, as well as other special services. For further information contact Roger Fisher.

Email roger
Photograph of choir members
Photograph of police at a community event at St Michael's

Special events through the year

St Michael’s on Facebook

Hall hire

Read the T&Cs for hall hire Email Lynne
Photograph of people at St Michael's
Six images of events at St Michael's

Supporting St Michael’s

Gifts from our community and supporters are vital to
our church’s life and work, as we continue to serve
those around us and safeguard the legacy of faith,
music and worship which we have inherited.

You can find out more about giving to support St Michael’s by reading our leaflet about giving. The leaflet has all the details you would need if you decided that regular giving is something you’re able to do and would like to do.

FIND OUT MORE about regular giving